Mini’s Weekend Round Up



The girls trained in the club on Saturday morning.

38 U7’s trained on a very cold Sunday morning and again the focus was to keep them moving and the hands warm! Following their usual warm up exercises, they focused on their handling skills and again rounded off the session with games of tip.

U8’s had over 30 turn up for training in the Nun’s field on Sunday morning. They continued to use stations to improve the skills through fun games focusing again on tackling, rucking, passing and running. The coaches have noticed the kids have come on leaps and bounds showing great improvement in their tackling technique. The session finished up with some practise games where some great tries were scored.

The U9’s took on Coolmine in their first home blitz of the season. The teams were quite evenly matched. In some games the U9’s “lent” players to bolster Coolmine’s numbers and of course they played great! Some great individual and team performances. The coaches are noticing that the kids are starting to widen their game, looking to pass out wide to their teammates in space. The coaches would like to thank all the parents for preparing and setting up a great feast afterwards.

The U10’s had great numbers turn up for training on Shenick Green on Sunday morning with four groups of eight. After an early warm-up of eleven players against four coaches they played tip and then did four stations, working on, rucking, tackling and passing. They finished up with two games to blow off the cobwebs. Training tomorrow at 6.45pm in the club and an away fixture to Terenure this Sunday.

U11’s were due to play Dundalk at home, unfortunately Dundalk cancelled so they trained instead. In the session they worked on handling skills, involving small sided games with each player getting ball time. The tackling drills worked on committing to the tackle, quick releasing and getting back on to feet. The session finished with a full blown game aiming to get three full quick phases – quick clearing of rucks, realigning and fast ball and width. The coaches are pleased to see the handling skills of the kids improving.

U12’s had a home fixture against Clondalkin last Sunday morning.